A mustang refers to any unbranded and unclaimed horse on public lands in the United States. Until recently, the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 protected mustangs from harassment and potential slaughter. Removing mustangs from public lands occurs when an environmental study determines there are too many on a range and some are then offered for adoption to the public. Many who adopt horses want to show them at events, but the mixed heritage of these horses typically does not allow participation in breed-sponsored shows. The North American Mustang Association and Registry (NAMAR) was founded in 1986 and is open to all Bureau of Land Management (BLM) mustangs, in part, to meet the need of competitive horse shows and create a sense of community among mustang owners. The Kiger Horse Association and Registry focuses on mustangs possessing a phenotype and DNA markers associated with Spanish horses brought to North America in the seventeenth century. Whether the horse is of mixed heritage or one possessing Spanish blood, they are the same species yet experience unequal treatment as a result of distinctions related to “breed.” Why? This paper will explore how, depending on context, the privilege of a single species changes through human interaction and the exercise of capitalist values under the aegis of breed.