Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder characterised by significant deficits in inhibiting behaviour, sustaining attention to tasks, resisting distractions while doing so and controlling one’s activity level to meet the demands of a situation. The hyperactive and impulsive symptoms appear to comprise a single underlying problem with behavioural inhibition, which is often the first problem to be seen. Most experts agree, children diagnosed in childhood continue to be impaired by the disorder in adolescence, and that a majority continue to have symptoms producing impairment into adulthood. A girl with ADHD can also get internally distracted and drift off into her own world. Sometimes this is a coping strategy to keep her entertained when something is boring. A girl with impulsivity can be hyper-talkative and verbally impulsive, interrupting others, talking excessively, or changing topics again and again during conversations.