Here begins the fourth part of the “Filostrato”, in which is shown in the first place how it happened that Criseida was given back to her father. Calchas requested an exchange of prisoners and Antenor was granted to him; Criseida is asked for; it is decided to give her up. Troilo at first grieves to himself; then he and Pandaro discuss various methods for the consolation of Troilo. The rumor of her coming departure reaches Criseida; ladies visit her; after their departure Criseida weeps. Pandaro arranges with her that Troilo shall go to her that evening; he goes there; she faints; Troilo wishes to kill himself; she revives; they go to bed, weep, and speak of various things; in the end Criseida promises to return on the tenth day; Troilo departs. First of all the Trojans fight and many are captured and killed by the Greeks.