The purpose of this book was to present the history and culture of different regions of the world and how these histories and cultures have impacted the implementation of inclusive physical education practices. What was found were very distinct differences across the world. Some regions have a few countries where the majority of students with disabilities receive their physical education within general physical education. However, in many regions and in most countries students with disabilities still receive their physical education in segregated settings. What was consistent throughout all regions of the world is the need for better training of future physical educators as well as of current physical educators. Physical educators are the key to making inclusion work, yet study after study shows that physical educators do not feel their undergraduate teacher training has prepared them for inclusion. Therefore, future direction of inclusion should focus on better teacher preparation at both the undergraduate and in-service levels. This training needs to be created in such a way that it is readily available to physical educators around the world and targeted towards specific, practical ways to make inclusion in physical education work.