One of the deciding steps in a nanoemulsion is to develop nanolets that are interfaced with surfactants and the medium. The nanoemulsion incorporates the solution chemistry or the nanosolution chemistry, involving nanothermodynamics, nanofriccohesics, and biopharmaceutical research, as the advanced sides of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The molecular interaction study using the survismeter determines the friccohesity data, which reveals the state of a liquid mixture. The boundary conditions are the most relevant theory for the study of nanoemulsions or microemulsions for characterization via fluid dynamics using the survismeter. The survismeter quantitatively tracks their interfacial tension, surface excess concentration, surface energy/tension, viscosity, particle sizes, friccohesity, tentropy, and intramolecular multiple forces theory. The liquid samples have flow within the rigid boundaries so the pressure generation plays a useful role in the measurement of data using the survismeter. The survismeter engineers pressure with respect to dimensional designing for safer and authentic bypassing of the sample as per the measurement sequence.