Kinematics viscosity as classical mechanics deals with the motion of points or particles, bodies, and systems of bodies without taking into consideration the masses and forces of them responsible for causing motion. Kinematics depicts the geometry of the motion of a system and initial conditions of known values of position, velocity, and/or acceleration of various points that are a part of the system. Kinematics explains mechanical engineering, robotics, and biomechanics; kinematics explains the motion of systems composed of joined parts, like an engine, a robotic arm, or the human skeleton. One also defines total stress that combines shear stress with conventional pressure. The equation of shear stress versus shear strain then becomes most predictive about the structural homogenization in a specific medium. Developing a nanoemulsion of suitable base pairs to repair DNA base pairs involves structural chemistry over a disruption, and both energy and activity of the molecules need optimization as follows: Kinetic and soothing, Percolating and approaching.