A serious and coherent thread of thought runs through the associative chain of beautiful images of Orchidee, in a whole of high precision, clarity, rhythm, contrasts without grating, constant tension and emotion. The embrace of the two bodies of Pepe and Gianluca, certainly not beautiful and seductive, but full of humanity. Avitabile’s beautiful music inspires and accompanies the spectacle, moving between cultured tradition, sonority of the sacred popular representations, ancient rites and convulsive modern rhythms that unite the shores of the Mediterranean. The musical score of Vangelo closes on the theme of death with Fabrizio De Andre’s song ‘La morte’. The chapter deals with the analysis of two works by Pippo Delbono, the undisputed master of performative theatre of great human depth and a powerful civil conscience. Pippo’s warm voice is entwined with the images of the garden under a shroud of snow, with the notes of Stender Roman’s song Tree eventually fading away.