It is easy for educators to feel lonely and isolated in their profession. Teachers spend most of their day with students, and administrators also do not always have peers around whom they can identify with. It is essential that we all be intentional about connecting with other adults who are traveling our same path. For some of us, this means hanging out with colleagues in between classes, or maybe at lunch. For some of us, it means connecting with colleagues across the country through social media. These connections provide much-needed camaraderie, encouragement, and inspiration. When we engage with others who share our values, we are reminded of our own potential. This collegiality strengthens our professional pride, and the value of professional pride in the workplace cannot be overestimated. It is what compels us to be better today than we were yesterday. I thought I was a good principal until I began connecting with other school leaders on Twitter several years ago. When I saw what 29administrators around the country were doing in their schools, it opened my eyes to what was possible. It inspired me and encouraged me to elevate my game. Remember, peer pressure does not end with adolescence.