The consciousness of death and the experience of transitoriness will always induce purifying considerations, which the present age suggests with particular urgency. Existentialist thinkers have become over-realistic; they see rather the dark side of life, are very sober and yet capable of realizing the gentle action of transcendent powers. The search for transcendence and ultimate values means that the longing for shelter in the widest sense has been aroused. This original, almost religious instinct that has newly come to life is quite formal, diffuse and anonymous, it does not even want to be more. Metaphysical transcendence is the hypothesis of an unconditioned Being which is essentially for the finiteness of time and space. But, generally speaking, philosophy is once more interested in metaphysical transcendence, for contemporaries want decision, whether affirmative or negative, in matters of ultimate importance. This metaphysical transcendent Being is not at all to be identified with the being of finiteness.