In the recent times, functional foods have gained greater attention for their role in the maintenance of health of human beings by lowering the risk of many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Dietary modification by addition of functional food as one of the lifestyle modifications can help a consumer to provide protection against this variety of diseases. This nutritional and therapeutic potential is owing to the presence of various bioactive and functional ingredients in functional foods. In this milieu, grapes hold a firm position amongst fruits due to the presence of a broad spectrum of bioactive compounds mainly polyphenols, resveratrol, melatonin, and anthocyanins. These all compounds are principal components amongst grapes’ bioactives. These functional ingredients are of considerable significance in the medicinal and therapeutic use of this commodity in various traditional and 158modern dietary therapies. Anthocyanins, resveratrol, polyphenols, and melatonin have a diverse range of biological activities and shown favorable effects in alleviating oxidative stress, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular complications, obesity, inflammation conditions, and cancer. In this proposed chapter, we discuss the importance of grapes and their bioactive compounds in different lifestyle diseases management.