Patriarchal principles were entirely in harmony with the biological sexual dispositions of males. The sole ground for the modern surrender of patriarchal principles is justice. Even the ideal arrangement of patriarchal marriage in which the woman was completely adapted by sadistic coercion to masculine primary dispositions must give place to the demands of justice. The obsolescence of patriarchal principles considerably alters those psychological assumptions. The relation, for one thing, can no longer be assumed to culminate in the “winning” of the young woman. The consideration which, in masculine consciousness, weighs perhaps most in favour of patriarchal moral tradition is the value set upon pre-nuptial chastity in women. Patriarchal morality sought to achieve that adaptation unisexually, by the moral and juridic coercion of women in accordance with the direct demands of masculine sexual dispositions. Men should frankly renounce every coercive principle of patriarchal tradition. Women should renounce the distorted outlook of sex-antagonism.