Zeal for morality is associated with the Puritans. The association of zeal for morality with Puritanism is a natural consequence of the circumstances which gave rise to Puritanism. The religious side of the movement was only an aspect of the social and political issue. The development of Puritanism was associated with the rise of the burgher classes to power. Puritanism was a successful burgher revolt against aristocratic rulers who poured contempt upon them. The zeal for superior morality of the Puritans was, like the zeal for superior morality of the ancient Jews, the refuge of humiliated self-esteem. The superior righteousness of Puritans consists, like all superior self-righteousness, in the observance of tabus. Puritan tabus have been chiefly resented on the ground that they interfere with the enjoyment of life. The Puritan predilection for the tabu of the Sabbath arises in part from the scope which its enforcement affords for suppressing pleasure and entertainment.