The inherent risks, cost and scale of offshore oil and gas projects is such that they do not always fulfil their time, cost or quality objectives. During the execution of a project it may become apparent that there are significant cost overruns, that the project is unlikely to be completed on time, or there are significant quality issues. It is generally difficult for the personnel implementing the project to step back and objectively review their own performance and determine the measures necessary to correct any problems. A properly executed structured independent review of a project can provide management with an assessment of the current state of the project, the forecast project outcome, any management issues that may affect successful completion, and risks associated with the project. Such a review, carried out early enough in the project, can materially improve the project outcome, by identifying actual and potential deficiencies in project execution and the means to correct them. It needs to be carried out by appropriately skilled and experienced personnel independent from the project team, but with full access to and cooperation from the project team. Chapter 15 discusses the implementation of project reviews aimed at improving performance and achieving outcomes consistent with the project’s objectives.