In this chapter, the author explores the topic of nonverbal learning disorders. Nonverbal learning disorder is a language- and brain-based disorder that is characterized by challenges with nonverbal cues, spatial and visual organization difficulties and poor motor skills despite precocious conversational skills, impressively large vocabularies and average to above-average intelligence. Children with nonverbal learning disorder may frequently be misdiagnosed with ADHD because the symptoms have overlapping qualities. Through in-depth analysis and research-based information, the author provides information about many different aspects of nonverbal learning disorders. Etiology of nonverbal learning disorders, symptoms of nonverbal learning disorders and management of nonverbal learning disorders are all discussed within a framework of school counseling. In addition to the narrative, the author provides bulleted lists for practitioners for ease of use. The chapter also includes an extensive interview with a college student who has a diagnosis of nonverbal learning disorder. The student describes their academic history from elementary school to the present and details what was and was not helpful to them in their journey through school.