National marketing emerges in the era of free global trade. The strategy of national marketing is national economics. Adam Smith, a Scottish economist, philosopher and author, argued that it was natural for humans to pursue maximum self-interest, which was a commonly accepted perception. Guided by liberalism, people were keen to pursue their maximum self-interest, which eventually resulted in excess capacity and triggered the world-shaking economic crisis. Human society has evolved from the times of real economy and currency economy to the virtual economy. In front of many crises of the world's economy, people are so anxious about economic bubbles, worrying about the catastrophe once the bubbles break. The influence of high-speed railway (HSR) development on the growth of the national economy has been fundamental, structural and strategic. In China's case, the first prime movers are HSR and mobile apps, and the spiral is kept turning by the energy from favorable net population growth rate and the consequential consumption increase.