Whilst it may appear incongruous for a movement steeped in white supremacy, the discourse of the alt-right often makes allusions to the “Indo-European” heritage of Aryan peoples, passages from Hindu texts, images of Eastern deities, and references to notions of cyclical time and the “Kali Yuga.” Important figures and institutions of the alt-right have, in search of mystical/spiritual underpinnings, drawn from the teachings of a number of esoteric movements and fascist gurus of the 20th century, such as figures from the European New Right, Traditionalists René Guénon and Julius Evola, and Esoteric Hitlerists such as Savitri Devi. In drawing on these figures, factions of the broad alt-right have come to appropriate elements of Hindu philosophy, and have some interesting (although limited) links to Hindu nationalism (Hindutva) today.