The definition of interdependence is particularly complex and it might be useful to precede it by outlining its principal specific features. The contradiction between sovereignty and interdependence has particularly struck national and world public opinion. N. Khrushchev was the last leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union who tried to seize and use the advantages which scientific and geopolitical interdependence might have offered during his leadership if he could have taken initiative, as he tried to do. Interdependence is, by its own logic, opposed to either historical or economic determinism. Its fundamental logic is to comprehend historically the myriad autonomous human actions. ‘Science and technology have between them made the world a smaller and inescapably interdependent place, and as instruments of change they are far from finished yet. The ‘hostile interdependence’ between the USA-led democratic camp and the Soviet-led communist camp caused a new, but much graver ‘hot war’.