The twofold objective of the Vietminh military organization was to create ideological uniformity throughout the country and to develop an efficient modern army. Early in the war, the Vietminh shared high government positions with leaders of nationalist groups. The Vietminh regime, like any other Communist government, attached enormous importance to the political aspects of war. The Vietminh High Command, from its inception, had a wide variety of responsibilities, some of them not normally those of a high command. Vietminh officers were being trained in Chinese schools, and a large group of Chinese advisers was attached to the Viet army, especially to the General Staff. The fullest and most efficient territorial organizations were those of North Annam and Tonkin, the strongholds of the Vietminh. In 1947, the Vietminh established a regular command for the south under Nguyen Binh and virtually ignored Laos and Cambodia.