Yearbook contained a lengthy discussion of issues in North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) operational doctrine and force posture. On balance, relations among the NATO nations improved during 1984, with the United States gaining a stronger political and military hand within the Alliance, although there were signs of continuing and worsening problems in the future. The deployment in Europe of NATO's new long-range theater nuclear missiles, which began in December 1983 with the introduction of 9 Pershing 2 ballistic missiles into Germany and 16 ground-launched cruise missiles into the United Kingdom, continued on schedule during 1984. Revival of prospects for negotiated limits on theater nuclear armaments, seemed to weaken the resolve of at least two NATO members to continue deployment in the absence of negotiated limits. Perhaps the most significant event of 1984 in trans-Atlantic relations, and especially US-German relations, was the submission of the Nunn-Roth Amendment before the United States Senate, and the Defense Planning Committee's subsequent response to it.