Washington chose to initiate a move designed both to deter forces competing for influence over Egypt’s foreignpolicy orientation, and to convince Sadat’s successor, President Husni Mubarak, of the desirability of the American link. It proposed that an already-planned joint military exercise scheduled to take place immediately, in late 1981, be expanded and dubbed “Bright Star 1982.” Washington was delighted with Mubarak’s approval of the idea. In response to developments along the Chad-Sudan border during the Sudani portion of “Bright Star,” an American AWACS and F-15 task force was dispatched to Sudan. “Bright Star 1983” was not only distinguished from its predecessors by virtue of its unprecedented size, but also because of the new American command framework within which it was conducted. “Bright Star 1983” provided evidence of the US’ increased air and naval logistical capabilities. But it was hardly reassuring concerning the potential for “in crisis” joint efforts.