Palestinian international terrorism has been on the increase over recent years, with 1986 establishing a new record. One salient characteristic of Palestinian terrorist activity on the international scene in 1986 was ambiguity as to the perpetrators of many incidents. The 25 percent of Palestinian international terrorist activity in 1986 targeted Israeli and Jewish objectives and diverse Arab targets. Release of jailed terrorists was the declared motivation for 34 terrorist events, constituting 42 percent of all Palestinian international activity in 1986. The most intensive campaign targeted France and comprised 26 percent of all Palestinian international terrorist activity in 1986. George Ibrahim Abdallah is a leader of a group that operated under the name Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions (LARF) against Israeli and American diplomats in France and Italy, beginning in November 1981. In February 1986, LARF launched its first massive bombing campaign. Responsibility was claimed by a group calling itself Committee for Solidarity with Arab and Middle Eastern Political Prisoners.