Planning for bioenergy in bioenergy cultivation and conversion and its interactions with other development problems can be systematized into an overall planning procedure for project siting and assessment. The research carried out to develop this bioenergy guide has also stimulated some suggestions for further research and policy actions. Bioenergy planners will have to perform their own assessments of the cost and engineering feasibility of specific bioenergy options based on data from proposals and project papers. Infrastructure, distribution, and markets pose problems that may cause otherwise promising bioenergy options to be reconsidered. The systematization of the problem of assessing biomass energy conversion or feedstock supply options is designed to supplement the usual descriptions of engineering and costs that are available in proposals and in the literature for various bioenergy options. Ideally, given minimal uncertainties in data and a better knowledge of biological and economic laws, such an analysis could be modeled to produce optimal solutions to the bioenergy planning problem.