The new organization or Comintern issued a manifesto to the ' Proletarians of the whole world' and urged a fierce struggle against the non-communist labour movement. During the Russian advance into Poland, the Second Congress of the Comintern was sitting in Moscow. It was here that the principles of organisation of communist parties were laid down. All parties joining the Comintern must resolutely fight against reformism, centre tendencies and pacifism, remove from their membership all persons holding any such views, and break off all friendly relations with such groups. Communists must make propaganda within their countries' armed forces, when necessary by secret and illegal means. Communists must support the emancipation of oppressed nationalities and colonial peoples. They must develop among their own workers fraternal feelings towards the workers of colonies or of oppressed nationalities subject to their own nation. The Comintern must perform in the international field the task that the Bolsheviks had performed in the purely Russian field.