Kwara State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (SMANR) has mounted a strenuous campaign to encourage the use of chemical pesticides to increase crop yields. Radio, television, cinema and pamphlets have been used in the campaign. Many traditional pest control methods employed by farmers in this area have been displaced by chemicals. Kwara SMANR purchases pesticides or receives them through aid donors and then distributes them to farmers. Private firms also sell directly to farmers. Non-agricultural pesticides, used mainly against household pests, are usually provided through commercial channels. However, the Ministry of Health provides some pesticides for the control of public health pests. SMANR officials rely on information provided by pesticide labels and distributors to determine the ingredients of the materials issued by the Federal MANR. The chapter shows that pesticides were very popular among house-owners for the control of household pests such as mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice, ants and flies.