This chapter examines the possibility of setting up Israel Defense Force (IDF) early-warning and observation facilities in the eastern Golan Heights, on Mount Hermon and on some of the high mounds. Because the high areas are at the Golan's eastern extremity, it is there that the IDF must be able to set up and man a number of long-range electronic early-warning and observation stations. Israel's chief of Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Shlomo Gazit, suggested that "Israel should maintain in Sinai three early-warning stations until it becomes absolutely clear that this is truly a stable peace." Without an IDF presence, electronic intelligence facilities and observation posts on high mounds in the eastern Golan may be insufficient to meet Israel's security needs. To contain a Syrian attack, even a surprise attack, until the reserves can be mobilized, the IDF must be deployed on the high mounds at the Golan's eastern extremity.