The plan for the second lift, as far as Arnhem was concerned, was that the balance of the 1st British Airborne Division, mainly the 4th Parachute Brigade Group, would be flown in as early in the day as possible. The second-lift units and aircraft were all ready by the Sunday evening, but during the night mist was forecast for many of the English airfield areas, and Lieutenant-General Brereton's staff decided that the take-offs would have to be delayed until this hazard cleared. The second-lift aircraft had to wait four hours before the weather cleared and take-offs could commence at 11.20 a.m. Captain Leonard Ottaway's aircraft, flying near the front of the American formations, went down first, about twelve miles before the dropping zone. The second American formation was the 315th Troop Carrier Group, carrying the 10th Battalion and other units of the 4th Parachute Brigade.