This chapter documents the national and local changes that have affected New York Telephone over the past 15 to 20 years. It analyzes in detail the impact of these changes on the company's human resource organization both during and after the American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T)-EEO-C consent decree. Once a subsidiary of AT&T, today a principal division of NYNEX, one of the independent Bell Operating Companies created in the wake of the dismantling of the old AT&T, New York Telephone has long been at the forefront of change in the telephone industry. In late 1960, the Federal Communications Commission took the first step in a series of regulatory measures intended to weaken AT&T's historic monopoly over communications services and equipment and to open these fields to new competition. AT&T's response to growth arid change in demand, deregulation, and increased competition came partly in the form of a massive investment in new technologies.