This chapter provides a description of environmental protection activities in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden); it does not provide a critical analysis of whether or not the decisions made are being fully implemented, or if the environmental policy described is satisfactory. The Nordic countries have some common features, such as history, language, and climate. The main pollutants contributing to acidification, nitrogen saturation, and the formation of photochemical oxidants such as ozone are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and ammonia. The Environmental Protection Act, restricting water and air pollution, and noise pollution from industrial plants and other permanent installations, was introduced in 1969. The political parties that have so far been trying to build a profile, at least partly on their environmental policy, are primarily the Green Party, the Left Party, and the Center Party. The potential for forerunners lies especially in rich, technically skilled, and environmentally aware countries.