A nation’s long-term development and security depend greatly on the management of natural resources. This chapter focuses on three: water, forests, and fisheries. The Microcomputer Programs for Improved Planning and Design For Water Supply and Waste Disposal Systems is a well-designed program for planning, improving, and maintaining water and sewage systems in developing countries. From the earliest of civilizations, canals have been important means of transportation for goods and water. The development of a successful sport fishing industry, however, requires careful, integrated management of the region’s forests and fisheries. The biologic submodel, a process model, projects the effects of variations in light, nutrients, temperature, water level and other factors on fish biomass. The economic submodel uses regression techniques to estimate angler fishing days, economic benefit to anglers, and the income and employment generated in the basin. MicroFish sample size programs back-calculates maximum-likelihood precision for user-specified ranges of population estimates, catchability, and number of electrofishing passes.