The stability of the equilibrium of inaction of UN peacekeeping forces is thus reinforced by the internalization of its key tenets by peacekeeping officers. UN forces retain a measure of authority by a policy of detached aloofness from the surrounding melee of political contenders. A peacekeeping force should never be expected to rely on force to achieve its ends. When confronted with a tricky military situation, peacekeeping forces typically either sidestep the problem, or else fall back upon the symbolic authority of the UN The equilibrium of inaction for Multinational Force (MNF) peacekeeping was inherently unstable and dependent upon a transient coalescence of circumstances. Once the fortuitous conjunction of interests dissipated, the peacekeeping authority of the MNF came under intense challenge from significant subnational and regional political actors. The mandate of the MNF required it to establish an environment which would enable the Lebanese forces to take up security responsibilities in Beirut.