The subgroups themselves were selected both because of their representative's special ability to provide insights into Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)/Sexually tranmitted diseases (STDs)-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices, and because they may be potential conveyers of AIDS education information themselves and perhaps even distributors of condoms. AIDS was mentioned spontaneously as a sexually transmitted disease by 40 out of 103 key informants, and it was discussed in all focus group discussions, either because it arose spontaneously in connection with discussion of STDs or because the topic was prompted. Religion, witchcraft, and sorcery provide theories of ultimate causation that can explain the "whys" of even a new disease like AIDS; the idea that AIDS is God's punishment is such an explanation, as is the notion that enemies cast a spell on a victim. The promotion of condoms for disease—especially AIDS—protection can be more complex and pitfall prone than promotion of condoms for contraception.