Kantian morality leads to the destruction of the self, which takes the form of loss of personal integrity, moral schizophrenia, personality atrophy, the inability to conduct healthy or positive personal relationships and significant loss of happiness. The personality destruction and sense of personal alienation described by critics is allegedly caused by three requirements of Kantian ethics: the motive of duty, the requirement of impartiality, and the overridingness thesis. There is a preview of how these requirements supposedly cause personality destruction. Any adequate response to the claim that Kantian morality causes personality destruction must demonstrate that the three requirements are compatible with integrity, full personality development, positive personal relationships, and happiness. The integrity criticism based on the motive of duty is fairly straightforward. Schizophrenia is a malady of the spirit caused by a lack of harmony between an agent's motives and her values and reasons. Schizophrenia is a lack of harmony between one's motives and one's reasons, values, and justifications.