China is one of the richest coal countries in the world. Total coal resources of China may be as high as 1 trillion tons, according to a recent British visitor to Chinese coal mines. Most of the large coal basins are located in Northeast China, North-Central China, and the eastern part of Northwest China. Coal production from similar small to medium mines in the northwest and other relatively inaccessible areas has also been increasing. The Chinese are very proficient in exploring and planning, in sinking mine shafts, and in developing new coal mines in general. Most Chinese coal is consumed within the country, since exports are small. Household use of coal is also a big factor, although percentage-wise much less than before. Kailan located east of Tientsin and north of the Takang oil field has become China's largest coal center with output surpassing 25 million metric tons of mine-run coal in 1975, according to Jen-Min Jih-Pao of 26 December 1975.