The Union of Secondary School Students (UES) was one of a series of organizations which the regime was establishing in the early 1950s to mobilize different parts of the population in support of the Peronista government. President Juan Domingo Peron took a particular interest in the UES. He apparently found special pleasure in attending their social affairs, at least some of which after Evita's death were held in the presidential residence. Another response of Peron to the growing economic crisis was to execute a massive turnabout in foreign policy, both in its political and its economic aspects. Most striking was the abandonment of the nationalistic petroleum policy which had been an article of faith with virtually all Argentines for at least a quarter of a century. In the northeast, General Pedro Eugenio Aramburu, the only general on active service to join the revolt, immediately raised the army units in the province of Entre Rios against the Peron government.