The sub-provinces or physiographical discontinuities can themselves be sub-divided into topoformsystems which are topoform entities associated among themselves according to some structural and/or degradative pattern(s). The quantitative aspect is also of great relevance for the physiographic surveys, especially in the characterization of Topoform Systems. In the present Physiographic System all those qeoforms that under similar genetic conditions and at any site of any continent, always present the same essential topographic elements, will be called topoforms. The Characterization of Topoforms by their Essential Topographic Elements. The characterization of topoforms based on elements of which they are composed is done in ideal terms. It can be stated, for instance, that the "ideal" cineritic cone is composed of such-and-such essential topographic elements. Within the sub-provinces and the physiographical discontinuities, topoform systems and even individual topoforms which by origin, morphology and/or lithology are foreign to the entity which they belong to, can be present.