Holding a graduate degree could clearly be correlated with the reporting of paid employment. Holders of the Bryn Mawr A. B. and no graduate degree were somewhat more likely than holders of graduate degrees to have held jobs in other than academic areas, especially in all types of business. Great difference the two degree-levels existed, however, only for classes after 1931, and in fact before then the rate was higher among the advanced-degree holders. The unmarried sample included a high number of graduate-degree holders. In 1970–71, alumnae with the Bryn Mawr A. B. and no graduate degree who reported current part-time jobs were found almost equally in education and business. When the Bryn Mawr A. B. group is compared with alumnae of the Undergraduate College who went elsewhere for the baccalaureate and took no higher degree, the Bryn Mawr A. B. group presents a slightly higher percentage of job-holders.