In 1971, a resident in the Montefiore Residency Program in Social Medicine began practicing ambulatory care at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Health Center. He had little experience with the out-patient treatment of venereal disease. Faced with numerous rapidly changing treatment schedules for both gonorrhea and syphilis, the resident undertook to write a treatment schedule for both diseases for his personal use. A female with vaginal discharge may have had a negative smear for gonorrhea, a positive smear for trichomonas, been treated for trichomonas, but have a positive gonorrhea culture report returned to the nurse practitioner one week later. In an attempt to see what effect the initial chart audit has had on a long term basis, twenty-eight charts of cases of gonorrhea were audited by the same physician using the same point system that had been used. The twenty-eight charts provided a review of fourteen physicians having thirty-nine patient encounters.