The history of the shelf development is always considered when Russian geologists evaluate the extension and thickness of submarine permafrost. The Eurasiatic shelf is shown as being exposed during glaciation, including the maximal glaciation. The Kara Sea shelf relief is very irregular, with vast shallow areas and deep depressions. The -250 m is related to the Ziryan glaciation; changes of the shoreline position along the Arctic coast are explained as a result of tectonics. The shorelines that have risen most significantly are situated on the Kola Peninsula, Zemlya Franza Josifa, Novaya Zemlya, Polar Ural, Taymir, and the northern slope of the middle Siberian Range. These data correspond to the concept of the limited glaciations of these areas and their glacioisostatic rebound. The magnitude of the relative "block" movements reaches hundreds of meters, and some morphostructures are always late in their motion in comparison with adjacent structures.