In regard to the end or the goal of life, all religions are in complete agreement. Jesus says: ‘Be ye perfect even as the Father in Heaven is perfect.’ St Paul explains this goal by saying: ‘Ye are complete in Godhead.’ According to the Hindu theory of evolution, nothing is super-added in the course of evolution, but what is only potentially existing becomes unfolded. The whole of the tree potentially exists in the seed. Through the process of evolution God, Sat-chit-ananda, existence, consciousness, bliss absolute, God who dwells everywhere, becomes unfolded. Shankara by his subtle logic proves that existence, consciousness, and bliss absolute are not attributes of God, but identical with God, nor are they different from one another. The ideal, the end of life, is the unitive knowledge of Godhead—this must never be forgotten. The modern man in the name of practicality often regards a man with the spiritual ideal as a queer creature, a dreamer.