The introduction to the book contextualises the work in several ways. An overview of four settings is provided, on which grounds multidimensional dynamics of migration in the village microcosm can be understood. First, a description of the contemporary global setting of massive rural-urban movements in agrarian societies in the 21st century contextualises the study of one village in the broader, present-day world. Second, the conceptual setting clarifies concepts employed, development and change being understood as multidimensional human development, which encompasses economic and non-economic dimensions. Third, the theoretical setting again points to multidimensionality in migration impacts on the ground by expanding on multiple and at times seemingly contradicting approaches which shape the interpretation of the empirical findings. The contextual setting moves on to reflecting on the specific discourses of migration and development prevalent in the context of Uttarakhand, juxtaposing both public and media representations as well as livelihood approaches utilised in academia. The introduction concludes with an overview of the structure of the book and briefly introduces the content of the seven chapters.