One of the most useful effects of the multicategory criticality modeling is the ability to control different kinds of level-of-detail (LOD) at the same time. Of all the techniques which make modern video game graphics possible, LOD management may very well be the most important, the most groundbreaking, and the most game-changing. The first thing to do when attacking a problem like “optimal LOD selection” is to figure out what mean by optimal. An unrealistic state Break in Realism (BIR) is the most immediate and obvious type of BIR, where a character’s immediately observable simulation is wrong. A character eating from an empty plate, or running in place against a wall, or wearing a bucket on his head creates the potential for an unrealistic state BIR. A fundamental discontinuity BIR is a little more subtle, but not by much: it occurs when a character’s state is incompatible with the player’s memory of his past state.