The promotion of the term “existence” to unsuspected philosophical honors results from an experience which, though not novel in itself, is, for the first time, given a central place. The terminological innovation presupposes and expresses an Encounter with Nothingness. The question of existence is bound up with the human interest in existence and nonexistence. This observation tempts the Existentialist philosopher into giving the analysis of existence a subjective turn. The existence of a thing involves the possibility of its nonexistence and again, non-being refers us to possible being. The breaking of the deadlock of absolute freedom, like every event discontinuous with its antecedents, escapes rational justification. At best it can be observed as a fact and hypothetically referred to an irrational power as its cause. Existential analysis by its very nature may become a preface to demonology, and accidentally only can it lead to Christian theology.