Plant diseases cause substantial losses in the quality and yield of plant produced worldwide. These losses cause by various factor in which biotic and abiotic stress are the one of the major reason. Many insects, such as caterpillars and beetles, are fairly large and easy to spot, as is the damage they cause. Some plants are more likely to suffer from abiotic disorders rather than plant diseases. There are thousands of genera and species of pathogenic microorganism which are associated, in one way or another, with plant and its produce. The pathogens that are principally involved in plant disease are fungi, bacteria nematodes, and virus. Correct identification of both the host plant and the causal agent of a disease or pest damage will enable a plant grower to choose the most effective management practices that will prevent further damage to crop plants without affecting harmless or beneficial organisms. Chapter 7, summarizes the losses caused due to abiotic and biotic stress, their detection, and management.