I Now prefume, That whoever understands the Rules and Principles of the Method above explain’d, with their Application in the following Books, is fully satisfied of its Excellence; feeing it answers all the Purposes of Accounts, in the most distinct and easy Manner. With what beautiful Regularity and Connection are Accounts begun, carried on, and finished? For, as all Accounts do, in a Manner, arise out of the Stock Account, or have a Relation to it; so all of them, which are not in Course extinguished, do, at last, terminate in the Account of Balances; which may therefore be called the Metamorphosis (or Transformation) of the Stock Account; shewing all the Alterations that have happened to it, either in the Total, or in the constituent Parts; and is accordingly the Stock Account of the new Leger, though in a contrary Form; the Debt and Credit of the one being contrarily the Credit and Debt of the other; as the Nature of those Accounts plainly shews.