The Parliamentary debates translate the theory of place names and the process of place naming into practice. This is evident from the reasons adduced for the choice of a given place name. The democratization of place names is, thus, apparent in the naming of the states and union territories of India. India is carved into 29 states and 7 union territories. When India gained independence in 1947 the politico-administrative map of India was a potpourri of 9 full or part provinces, 552 princely states, 5 centrally administered areas, and remnants of Portuguese and French territories. The Members of Parliament are democratically elected and they discuss, deliberate and debate the names of the states and union territories of India. While the Constituent Assembly was busy finalizing the draft of the Constitution of India, the subnational units were engaged in discussion over names and the Home Department was engrossed in consolidating the patchwork of a variety of political jurisdictions.