This chapter discusses the toxicity profiles of some substances. The toxicity profile or toxicological profile of a substance is indicative of the harmful nature of the substance. It is determined on the basis of the different levels of exposure of the substance resulting from different routes of entry. Despite several benefits, pesticides have a major impact on the environment and human and animal health. Malathion is a low human toxicity pesticide and it was one of the earliest pesticides developed. Malathion is used against mosquitoes, flies, household pests, and animal parasites. Carbamates are used to kill pests in homes, gardens, and agriculture. Carbamate pesticides differ in their spectrum of activity, mammalian toxicity, and persistence. Chlorpropham shows a low level of toxicity profile and no acute toxicity is observed after administration of less than 1000 mg/kg/day of chlopropham. The acid form is of slight to moderate toxicity.