Sustainable environment requires a balance between the natural resources available and their uses. Cyanobacteria serve as an environmentally safe biopesticide that can replace toxic organic chemical pesticides. Cyanobacterial species are mass cultured in large scale for various uses including biofuel, medicine, food, and biofertilizer production. Cyanobacteria, such as Oscillatoria, Nostoc, and Scytonema inhabit damp surface and can thrive in hot springs, salt marshes, wet rocks, damp soil, and polar regions including Antarctic rocks. Cyanobacterial species are mass cultured in large scale for various uses including biofuel, medicine, food, and biofertilizer production. Bioremediation is a technique that uses living organisms to reduce or neutralize environmental hazardous pollutants into less toxic or non-toxic substances. To improve and maintain soil health and productivity, the Government of India is promoting Integrated Nutrient Management by justified application of chemical fertilizers, including secondary and micronutrients, in concurrence with organic manures and biofertilizers.