When King Richard died, he was survived by one brother, called John Lackland because he had had no portion of the land. He was made King of England and he possessed that kingdom along with the duchy of Aquitaine and the county of Perigord. As soon as he was made King and lord of the county and of the duchy of the Poitiers, he went off to the Count of Angoulême. The Count had a very beautiful young daughter of fifteen who had been promised by Sir Richard to Sir Ugo lo Brun, the Count of the Marche and nephew and vassal of Sir Jaufre de Lusignan. The Count of Angoulême had promised him his daughter as his wife and had taken him as his son, for he had no other sons or daughters. John told the Count of Angoulême that he wanted his daughter as his wife. He made him give her over; married her on the spot; mounted his horse and went off with his wife to Normandy.