The leading principle in Architecture is fitness for the end designed. Utility, convenience, and propriety are included in the term fitness. Architecture has become an ornamental art when expression is thus given by it to every kind of building. The different orders of architecture, have different characters, requiring each its peculiar ornaments. Several very important considerations render the rectangular form most suitable for buildings in general. Contrasted with the straight lines and right angles of an edifice, the flowing and curved lines of ornaments have a pleasing effect. The diversity of circumstances, for which an architect’s skill is put in requisition, enable him in time to judge of the resources of his own country, and apply them to the best possible advantage. The architects of the country, or rather their employers, have shown a great want of true economy, in employing perishable materials for large buildings. “The power of architecture, as a fine art, manifests itself only in æsthetic effect.