A few scientific architects have arrived at eminence in their profession. It is impossible to mention the names and works of all architects who have thus distinguished themselves. Trinity Church was commenced in 1841, on the site of the old church in Broadway, and completed in 1846. It is built of a beautiful fine-grained freestone, in the Perpendicular Gothic style. The United States Bank, the United States Custom House for the port of Philadelphia, is one of the most beautiful buildings in this country. It is closely copied from a perfect model, the Parthenon. The President’s House, is of Potomac freestone. It has two fronts with porticoes, and is one hundred and eighty feet in length by eighty-five in width. The Capitol of Indiana is a large Doric building, and does great honour to the taste and liberality of the State. The Atheoeum is a Gothic edifice, of rough freestone. It is a symmetrical and effective building.